Hello, I’m Atsushi Kubo from Japan.
I practice healing and have a meditation class in Brussels. I’ve been researching how to live in harmony with nature using healing, meditation, and vegetarian food. I believe those lead us to a healthy and happy life. I use traditional and authentic methods, which are not only for healing the body and mind but also for self-improvement and self-realization.
Here is my story about healing.
It was when I was 14 years old. One day, I woke up and found that I could not lift my right arm because of pain. I went to see several doctors, but there was no any physical abnormalities. It seemed it was related to a neural function. As it didn’t get well for more than a month, it seemed it would never get better. My parents decided to take me to a healer. It was 1992.
I remember the healer meditated for a short period of time and put his hand on my head and then right shoulder. He softly pressed the exact point that hurt and asked me whether it is the place or not. I just could nod, meaning yes.
Every time I received his treatment, my shoulder got better and better. Since then, I often felt that I could project a sort of energy outside of my body. It was like I could extend my tactile sense over my physical body and touch something. Now, it is a science fact that we are beyond our physical body, but at that time, for a 14-year-old boy, the physical body was the end of my existence. So, I just had kept the bizarre feeling in me.
Once, I asked a healer whether I could be able to be a healer. I was around 21 years old at that time. I remember she told me that I should get more life experiences and know whom we really are. She suggested me that being a healer at the age of 50 would be a good start too. She insisted if I really can help one person, it’s worth to devote my whole life to a healing practice.
I thought I could be a healer right away. I thought it would be only techniques that I needed to learn. I continued joining classes and attunements from several healing institutions to be a “certified” healer. But the truth is that I was not seriously practicing healing. I think I was too young. I could easily stop practicing at an inconvenient time. Instead, I had done things as many young people would do. Eventually, those led me to experience this human life very well.
Life is total suffering on one side. We always want to be happy, but it is quite difficult to achieve it. That’s why we are unhappy and always seeking happiness. The healer’s advice was right. I needed a life experience to realize my consistent intention to heal people and improve the quality of life by learning compassion to others through my sufferings.
At the age of 33, I decided to learn healing from scratch. I have restudied in Japan, the U.S., and Europe. I could get to know talented healers and masters. Now, the connections are a treasure of my life. Healing is not only a way of healing diseases but a way to improve my life.
Now, I would like to give my generous master’s knowledge back to society. It worked to me, and I am sure it works for the others too.
So, here I am.
I think we all know how to be happy although we cannot start the path for many reasons.
We just start it now. That’s all.
Best wishes,
Atsushi Kubo